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Monday, May 2, 2011

Grammy and Paw Paw's Visit

Grammy and Paw Paw were nice enough to stay with us the week after Grayson was born to help Britney and I out with just about everything. I don't think we could have made it through the first week without them. Meals just appeared on the table and dishes miraculously went away. Our front yard even got re-landscaped!

Of course, they also wanted to soak up as much time with the little munchkin as possible. Here are some of my favorite Grammy and Paw Paw moments that we captured that week.

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Coming Home

Coming home was so much fun. Mommy and daddy were a little bit nervous (dad drove extra carefully for Grayson's first car ride), but it was very exciting to show baby Grayson his new digs. We had a cute stork waiting for us in the front yard thanks to Grammy, Paw Paw, Grandma Joan and Grandpa Steve.